Population: 23,068
Area: 1,025.85 sq. miles
Median: Age 37.6
Average Rainfall
Average Temperature
HS Graduates or Higher: 67.9%
Less Than 9th Grade: 11.2%
Finished 9th-12th Grade, No Diploma: 21.0%
HS Graduate (incl.GED): 34.4%
Some College, No Degree: 17.1%
Associate Degree: 4.6%
Bachelor's Degree: 7.3%
Grad/Prof Degree: 4.5%
White Alone: 13,311
Black Alone: 9,540
American Indian & Alaskan Native: 241
Asian: 70
Native Hawaiian & Other Pacific Islander: 2
Two or More Races: 178
Hispanic: 190
Non-Hispanic: 23,152
Total Employment: 8,660
Assessed Valuation: NA
Retail Sales: NA
Taxable Sales: NA
Unemployment Rate: 20.00
Median Household Income: $44,900
Median Housing Value: $66,900
Number Insured: 19
Number Uninsured: 4,269
90% Confidence Interval: 493
Percent Uninsured: 17.8
90% Confidence Interval: 2.1
Monroe County Board of Education: 569
Hornady Truck Lines, LLC: 600
Alabama River Cellulose, LLC: 420
Billy Barnes Enterprises: 200
Monroe County Hospital: 255
Coastal Alabama Community College: 150
Gate Precast Co.: 155
Monroe County Commission: 154
Standard Furniture: 135
Rocky Creek Lumber: 125
Residential $1,337,105.00
Commercial $2,015,792.00
* Miscellaneous Construction Cost $70,000
Monroeville Building Permit Volumes
Building Permits, City of Monroeville:
2009 Residential $556,709
2009 Commercial $11,422,361
2008 Residential $820,783
2008 Commercial $6,230,033
2007 Residential $1,421,705
2007 Commercial $4,113,281
2006 Residential $1,733,859
2006 Commercial $2,883,723
2005 Residential $637,644
2005 Commercial $4,464,069
•Includes $3,400,000 for VF Distribution
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